Sunday, November 6, 2011

Men versus women in the "Who does more?" debate.

I have to admit that I got just a little bit annoyed the other morning when I was listening to the radio. Men were phoning in saying that they do a lot more than women in the home and workplace. The majority of women I know do a lot more than their male counterparts. The male species go to work for 8 hours, then come home, crack a beer open and then either go to visit their fellow male species or just sit in front of the TV until dinner is ready. After scoffing down dinner they go and watch some more TV then toddle off to bed, impatiently awaiting their partner to complete their very hectic day (according to them) with some play time. It may be play time for them, but for the women it's just another chore to end their day.

The women that I know, get the kids up for school in the mornings, make lunches, lay out their clothes, drive them to school, but not before tidying up the house and putting on a load of washing in-between the yelling and screaming at kids who have no concept whatsoever of time and love to dawdle.

After dropping them off at school, they then themselves need to rush off to work to put up with the crap that is dished out to them by their male chauvinistic and womanising fellow workers and bosses, only to come home at the end of the working day to do it all over again with their live in male partner. On the way home, they may need to stop off at a supermarket to buy items for dinner or to pay a bill or two. Once home there is homework that kids need help with and dinner to be made, there is the cleaning up after dinner and maybe another load of washing to do.

For the women who do not have a daytime job (that is, one that they actually get paid for) their day involves, washing, cleaning, ironing, sweeping, mopping, dusting, gardening, folding clothes, looking after and cleaning up after family pets, taking rubbish out, shopping, paying bills, making phone-calls to utility providers and so on and so on.

For shift workers like myself, we need to do almost all of the above, (I refuse to do gardening) as well as go to work while everyone is asleep and the only sleep we do get is while the kids are at school. If you work that out, it’s a maximum of 5 and a half hours sleep per day.

So, I dare any man to suggest that he works harder than I do!  I, (as well as many, many, other women out there) work the equivalent of at least two full time jobs but only get paid for one. (and a mediocre pay at that)Where’s the fairness in that? And then men have the audacity to crack the shits when we’re just too exhausted to satisfy their needs. Well newsflash guys!!!! You have two hands so go and help yourselves!!!

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