Sunday, November 6, 2011

Men versus women in the "Who does more?" debate.

I have to admit that I got just a little bit annoyed the other morning when I was listening to the radio. Men were phoning in saying that they do a lot more than women in the home and workplace. The majority of women I know do a lot more than their male counterparts. The male species go to work for 8 hours, then come home, crack a beer open and then either go to visit their fellow male species or just sit in front of the TV until dinner is ready. After scoffing down dinner they go and watch some more TV then toddle off to bed, impatiently awaiting their partner to complete their very hectic day (according to them) with some play time. It may be play time for them, but for the women it's just another chore to end their day.

The women that I know, get the kids up for school in the mornings, make lunches, lay out their clothes, drive them to school, but not before tidying up the house and putting on a load of washing in-between the yelling and screaming at kids who have no concept whatsoever of time and love to dawdle.

After dropping them off at school, they then themselves need to rush off to work to put up with the crap that is dished out to them by their male chauvinistic and womanising fellow workers and bosses, only to come home at the end of the working day to do it all over again with their live in male partner. On the way home, they may need to stop off at a supermarket to buy items for dinner or to pay a bill or two. Once home there is homework that kids need help with and dinner to be made, there is the cleaning up after dinner and maybe another load of washing to do.

For the women who do not have a daytime job (that is, one that they actually get paid for) their day involves, washing, cleaning, ironing, sweeping, mopping, dusting, gardening, folding clothes, looking after and cleaning up after family pets, taking rubbish out, shopping, paying bills, making phone-calls to utility providers and so on and so on.

For shift workers like myself, we need to do almost all of the above, (I refuse to do gardening) as well as go to work while everyone is asleep and the only sleep we do get is while the kids are at school. If you work that out, it’s a maximum of 5 and a half hours sleep per day.

So, I dare any man to suggest that he works harder than I do!  I, (as well as many, many, other women out there) work the equivalent of at least two full time jobs but only get paid for one. (and a mediocre pay at that)Where’s the fairness in that? And then men have the audacity to crack the shits when we’re just too exhausted to satisfy their needs. Well newsflash guys!!!! You have two hands so go and help yourselves!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Trying to find a publisher

Okay, so I've spent almost two years of my life writing my 70000 + word manuscript, I have drafted, redrafted and edited and re-edited, and now I understand what everyone has been saying, the really hard part is not writing your book, it's getting a publisher to publish it or an agent to represent it to a publisher who may or may not publish it.

Well I haven't come this far to give up now, so I will persevere until I find someone out there who believes in my work as much as I do. Sure I can self-publish if I'm really desperate to see my novel on bookshelves but why should I have to go down that track, I believe in the traditional form of publishing where if an editor feels that a manuscript has merit he or she will say, "Hey this is pretty good, let's get it out there."

Then there's the world exposure, and I don't mean going out stark naked for the entire world to see you in all your glory, I mean getting your name out there and having followers who read your work and hang onto every word that you write. That in itself is a little difficult when you have not yet been published and so the vicious circle begins. To become a published author it is preferable that you have already been published, but how do you get to have something published when you haven't already had something published. See what I mean?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Selfish Teenagers

Today's teenagers are too self-absorbed, want everything handed to them on a silver platter while thinking that the world should revolve around them.
I look around at the teenagers of today and see not only a lot of selfishness but also a lot of disregard for everyone else around them. It's all about "Me, me, me" with them. Years ago, if we wanted something we worked for it and earned it, these days, not only are there a great majority of teenagers that have never worked a day in their lives, but they expect centrelink to hand them money every fortnight for not doing anything for it. And what's worse, I see a lot of 17 and 18 year old's that still have their parents pay for their mobile phone accounts and fuel for the cars that their parents have stupidly bought for them. Kids will never learn to appreciate anything when it is handed to them on that silver platter. Let them get a job and buy their own phones, cars and fuel, they're never going to learn the value of anything if they don't earn it themselves. Unfortunately we're raising a society of spoiled little brats who abuse our love as parents and use that same love against us as a form of bribery. WAKE UP MUMS AND DADS!!! Take control and learn to say NO!!!! Enough is enough, stop thinking that your kids will love you more if you give, give, give to them, they are not stupid, they know exactly what they're doing, THEY ARE USING YOU!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Our teenagers. To interfere or not to interfere.

Interfering in our teenager's lives. Should we? I don't think that there is really a right or wrong answer to this question. If we look back to when we were mere teenagers, did we really want our parents to interfere in our lives. No I don't think so, I know that I didn't dare tell my parents anything that would give them reason to reprimand or even dabble in my personal life back then, but then again I never had the urge to give myself the opportunity to confide in them about anything at all because I knew damned well that it would all backfire on me.
But life with my own teenagers is very different to when I was growing up. They choose to confide in me but that's only because I don't talk down to them or order them to do things certain ways. I have always given them the opportunity to choose for themselves which way to go about certain things in their lives. I am a firm believer of making your own mistakes and learning from them. If it looks like they're burying themselves too deep then that is the time that I step in and begin to re-install my beliefs into them. But honestly if they can work it out for themselves, then let them be I say. "Whatever doesn't break you makes you stronger" that saying has been around for as long as I can remember and it's very true. If kids have been raised in a well balanced home with good morals and firm guidelines of what they are allowed to do and what they're not, then I believe that they will head in the right direction. Sure, a few sidesteps may throw them off-course for a moment or two but they'll get straight back on track soon enough and as parents the only thing we need to do is stand back and be on guard for those times that they may need a bit of an encouraging steer to put them back in the right direction. So I say, interfere if you must, but ONLY if you must.
Until next time,
Ciao' for now..
M.C. Holman

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Workplace Favouritism

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could hand pick the people that we work with?  Working for a large company in an environment that is time sensitive so to speak, I look around every night and see only a handful of workers doing the right thing - working.  The majority however seem to be flying under the radar avoiding work altogether.  There are groups that hang out in their small circles pretending to work while they socialise and do nothing but chat chat chat all night long, not being productive at all and there are those who hide in the toilets with their mobile phones avoiding the floor as much as possible, and then there are those that don't really care if you notice that they're not working because as far as they are concerned they can't be sacked.

 I work in a multicultural environment and word has spread that if any one of them gets the sack they can sue for racial discrimination.  It doesn't seem to matter that certain individuals don't deserve to be there let alone be paid fortnightly, the only thing that counts is that they show up for work on the night. (Attendance is a big deal where I work.)

What really upsets me is the fact that management can walk out onto the floor and see what's going on but refuse to say a word, meanwhile the bulk of the work rests upon those few that actually show up to do what they're paid for in the first place and they need to do far more than they're supposed to just to get the work out on time.  Unfair? Absolutely!  But our hands are tied and until the day that management grows some b***s and culls the rubbish, we, the very small percentage of workers will have no choice but to continue to do the best that we can and hope that one day the bosses will wake up and do what needs to be done. 

In the meantime though, the loyal workers, those that deserve recognition for a job well done, but who never get that recognition are on the hunt for a better work environment and fair work places, I myself do not plan to remain in my position for too much longer, I know that I deserve better, and when I hand in my letter of resignation I'm absolutely certain that the bosses will approach me and ask WHY? And that's when I'll say "Because you never listen to the one's who matter the most, the one's that actually do the work, the one's that actually deserve their payslips, you only listened to (and turned a blind eye to) those that you thought might rebel.  You try to avoid mutiny but in the process you're slowly eliminating the one's that make you look respectable and worthy. And for what? To protect and preserve the favourites, not because of their work performance but because they are all related, and perhaps because your wife may divorce you if you sack her best friend.  This is real life, not a board game, to be treated with respect you need to earn it first."
Until next time, Ciao' for now..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

If only we knew.... Life: Some women do actually get spoiled rotten by their...

If only we knew.... Life: Some women do actually get spoiled rotten by their...: "Yes, it is true. You may not believe it but it was just the other night that a very good close friend of mine experienced the time of ..."

Some women do actually get spoiled rotten by their partners.

Yes, it is true.  You may not believe it but it was just the other night that a very good close friend of mine experienced the time of her life on the date of a lifetime with her special man.  The very special person in her life told her that they were going out for dinner and advised her to be ready by 5.30 pm.  With fine champagne chilling in the fridge, my friend knew that it was going to be a nice night but she never expected or even suspected anything more.

When 5.30 ticked around a Limosine pulled up in front of their home and chauffered them both to the city as they sipped on the champagne.  Dinner was at a fancy seafood restaurant in the city followed by a short stroll along the banks until it was time to view a movie in style at the Crown's
Gold Class cinema.  The return trip back home was again travelled in luxury and style as they laughed and had a wonderful time in the back of the limo.

Needless to say, my friend has still not returned from cloud 9 and I suspect that planet earth is still in a distant universe and she has no intention of hurrying back.

So, to all you beautiful and patient women out there, there is hope.  There may not be very many romantic's left on this earth but they are out there, you just need to find them.  And for all you men out there, take a hint, you don't need to spend a fortune, you just need to make your lady feel like a queen or a princess once in a while and if you do, then you'll see that you won't have to work so hard to get lucky, it will come to you.

I would love to hear more stories from anyone, ladies and gentlemen, who have experienced very special dates.
Until next time,
Ciao' for now...

What do women really want?

Strange as this may sound, a lot of women still aren't sure as to what it is that they really want out of a relationship or for that matter, what it is exactly that they want from their partners. 

Obviously we are all diverse in our thinking and our beliefs, and it baffles me somewhat to see the women around me alway searching for that extra something.  We all want more from our partners, more manners, more romance, more gifts, more money, more good looks,  better bod's and the list goes on and on and on.

How many women out there are truly happy with their lives and their partners?  How many of them can say that they would honestly NOT  change a single thing in their lives?  Not many I can assure you.  There is not one single woman out there who can legitimately say with total confidence and honesty that she is truly happy.  Sure, she may experience snippets of happiness here and there but overall she lives among us - the majority - who have learnt to just settle and live with what we've got and make the best of it with what little we have to work with.